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Importance of Rugs in home decor

Posted on September 03, 2013 by M+D | 0 comments

It all starts with the floor!

Carpets are one of the easiest and most versatile items to decorate with in the home.  Whether you're looking to spruce up an area quickly and tastefully, or found the perfect rug and want to draw upon it as the focal point of a room, there is no disputing a room without a rug feels empty...

Like take our new house -- the hallways and rooms are just begging for a rug and it almost feels wrong to do anything else to the space before we source the art for the floor.

A rug truly makes a room. And while many people are shopping the machine made rug circuit, we are believers in: if it makes a room, then you better make it special. It is one of the most important pieces in a house so it has to be something you love, connect with, want to see for a long time, and something you love to talk about because it will be sure to catch people's eye.

There are different rugs that speak to different people and that's the beauty of them -- they connect with different human beings for different reasons. We try to keep a very vast collection of rugs in our ONH shop mainly for this reason but also because we ourselves connect with different pieces when we see them.




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