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Somewhere Over the Rugbow: The New ONH Blog

Posted on April 17, 2018 by M+D | 0 comments

When we started our Instagram account a couple of years back, we had maybe 8 followers. "We have to start somewhere", I remember everyone telling me, and as it grew, very slowly, I was constantly saying this to myself to keep the motivation going. It is exactly the same story with starting our business in general (which was in 2011 on Etsy) -- the interest in what we were doing and what rugs we were sourcing was there but it had such a slow launch there were days where you could just FEEL the crickets as well as hear them. There were those other days when we would get one or maybe even two orders after days of nothing, and Dave and I would spring up and out to go package it/them up (this was and is always so exciting), and it made the radio silence, amidst all of our efforts, worth it. It brought such joy to source, photograph, describe, and ultimately provide someone (a stranger who would become a friend) with the exact piece they had coveted and been searching for for months. This is still the process 7 years later but on a bigger scale.

Now, we find ourselves starting somewhere new yet again, with a few different projects and objectives. It is hard to say at this point which one will be the one with the real legs, the one that we stick with even as the crickets chirp in the background. But one of them is sharing them all with you as they are happening, and that feels very exciting! We have blogged before but we are now committing to blogging more regularly so that we can really share more of ourselves and our ONH world with you!

One of the elements of this new content will be sharing our own personal home projects as they evolve week by week. If you've followed us closely, you have likely deduced that we do once and a while share these kinds of projects, but not consistently. Also, though we consider ourselves to have a strong interior design sense, we have not been able to carve out time for projects that really allow for that sense to be fully activated. So here we are ready to go at last! Time management has not always been my personal strong suit but I am getting such joy from putting on my creative design cap on over here, that it feels like a necessity to roll with it and do my best at fitting it in.

So where do we start? Well, in our own mid century home there is a TON of work to do. We have poured so much of ourselves into our business over the past seven years, that we have let our own personal sanctuary slip to the waist side. I would go as far as to say that every single room in our home is in need of some decor TLC, even when it comes to the rugs if you can believe it. So, we could start big or we could start small, and I am really into the "let's get our feet wet" type of approach at the moment so the first project up is going to be our children's shared bedroom as I have taken some efforts to source for this space but have not successfully tied together all of the elements yet. I will begin posting about getting started with this project on Thursday evening so stay tuned!

In the meantime, here is a glance at what I will be posting somewhat regularly and if you have suggestions for posts or subjects you would love to hear about, please e-mail us at md@oldnewhouse.com!

-Behind the scenes during Photo Shoots and ONH work weeks

-First Pick Faves (as new rugs get posted, I will be delving more into my absolute favorites + why I am so smitten)

-Mood Boards/Design Tips/Collaborative Posts about my own home projects

-Shop Findings (our Katonah flagship store is chalk full of handmade items from Etsy Sellers, and I would love to share more about these)

-Furniture Building -- this has always been something Dave has wanted to do more of and I am personally very excited to see these projects come to light

-Projects we are working on as they are happening

-Local Interior Design Projects and Collaborations (we are so lucky to work with a ton of designers who are doing amazing things and cannot wait to share more of these!)

And because I am a visual person, here is a little look at my blogging calendar so you can get a sense of when you might like to check in on us:



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Our Experience at The Manhattan Vintage Show

Posted on January 24, 2014 by M+D | 0 comments

Brand new to trade shows and expos of any kind, for those of you who don't know: we braved the sea of vintage this year at The Manhattan Vintage Show. It was quite the experience to say the least with our biggest expectations and hopes being to connect with a lot of new people outside of the world of the internet and to hopefully convert some of them to be ONH fans! We are a bit shy by nature so it was a big deal for us to go into the city, create a space from the ground up that represented our online shop, and to put ourselves out there: "here we are and hope you like it!". It was exciting and of course a bit scary but after the two days of working harder than we could have possibly imagined, we made it back to a rented apartment just in time to rock our baby to sleep and we thought to ourselves: wow, we did it, we actually pulled it off.



To say that the show went off without a hitch would be an outright lie. Getting down to the city from our humble abode in Westchester with an eleven month old baby who just doesn't do car-rides as well as a cargo van chock full of our most prized inventory was no easy task and came with some challenges (who knew you couldn't take a van on the highway? maybe you did?). Then of course we had to navigate parking for two vehicles. One that contained the baby and all of the stuff that comes with the baby when you do a weekend trip. Crazy amounts of stuff is all I can say! Next we had to shlep all of our belongings all while carrying our son and then the next morning (the day of the show) start the shlepping process all over again, to bring our inventory into the booth. Then came set up, then came fixing up, then came second guessing ourselves, then came food somewhere in there, and of course then came figuring out who would be with the baby since the babysitter was having trouble with city parking (who doesn't??), and then at some point after a lot a lot of coffee, came the beginning of the show. After that point, everything was just plain awesome. Our expectations of meeting and connecting with new people was absolutely exceeded by a million because the people we chatted with for lengthy amounts of time were just so amazing, it felt like a shame that we hadn't met them sooner.

The Vintage Show was mainly all about clothing but it was also about textiles (in come our rugs). We feared that perhaps we wouldn't fit in because our clothing collection was small (and not yet out there in the world, merely a hobby curated collection) but we had the opposite experience. While people were indeed interested in our small clothing selection, so many of them were interested in our rugs and home decor as well just as we had hoped! Not only did we connect with people about the rugs they needed for their homes, but we learned a lot too -- about clothing and about what everyone out there is looking for which was absolutely invaluable for us.

While it was a tremendous amount of hard labor and pushing ourselves beyond the depths past our pre-existing (baby-related) exhaustion, the show was overall such a great success and we enjoyed every minute of the experience! Until we do another one of these or have our first real pop-up shop (which we are getting serious about planning!), this was the last time we would see our customers + new contacts in person for awhile, so we were so thankful to have it!


**Such a huge thank you to Natalie Conn for the beautiful photographs, & Hilary and Lina for the tremendous amount of help throughout the show!

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Rug Talk Wednesday: Buying an Oriental Rug

Posted on October 23, 2013 by M+D | 0 comments


Your guide to purchasing an Oriental Rug

In no specific order - the 4C's and a Q of rugs: Country of origin, Colors, Condition, Collector appeal and Cuality...  oops...  Quality.

Evaluation of rugs taking in account the above factors means you are on the road to finding a fine, genuine &  authentic Oriental rug.  That's fantastic! 

Part of the beauty of our shop is we have done the legwork of finding only awesome carpets for you:  As opposed to the traditional rug shop that may take the good with the bad, we have scouted and sift through thousands of carpets to hand select the ones we love.  Yes, here's that shameless plug of our awesome Oriental Rugs for sale.  We don't feel too bad about it since we take great pride our rugs, especially our vintage rugs and antique rugs.

As a brief introduction for the consumer, we're going to indulge in a few acceptable generalizations for an overview.  It will be important to bear in mind the following:  The market for fine hand knotted Oriental rugs is becoming more like fine art.  An antique rug made 100+ years ago is not easily replaced since it cannot be remade again.  Furthermore, new carpets today are becoming increasingly more costly to produce.  Still, in our opinion, Oriental rugs are among the most depreciated markets right now.  The sale of museum worthy carpets continues to hit record prices, however, Oriental rugs that are not top-tier museum carpets remain among the most affordable of all decorative items in the context of a home. 

That's not to say everyone should run and buy an Oriental rug immediately or as an investment.  However, it is relevant for buyers to know and understand where the value is and the clear relative affordability even for a seemingly higher priced item.  The process of making an Oriental rug is an intimate task. One could easily take the position the value in an Oriental rug is disproportionately greater than many home furnishings: the typical weaving time of an 8' x 10' Oriental carpet may take two weavers six months time.

While some aspects of evaluation are discussed in what to look for and what is myth, the point remains that any Oriental rug by intrinsic character/definition has been created via a laborious process from materials to loom to room.  

So, lets get down to buying a rug and demystifying some of the mystique.  What to look for, what is true and what is myth and how to purchase that fantastic, authentic Oriental rug:

Country of origin

  A.  General rule of thumb: If you are searching for super authenticity, you may want to consider if the design is indigenous to the country of origin and perhaps even region of production.  E.G.  A Turkish Hereke rug design made in China is not as authentic as a Peking design Chinese rug made in China.  There certainly are exceptions although for such items it will likely be clear how those items are differentiated with reliable or substantive proof as to how. 

  B.  Simply because a rug or carpet is of Persian origin does not make it superior item than that of any other rug weaving country. E.G. Compare apples to apples.


  A.  There is a misconception that natural dyes are better than synthetic.  This is not necessarily true.  There are, however, collector purists who only specialize in carpets of a certain age, generally prior to the advent of synthetic dyes.  However, this caliber carpet realistically does not apply to carpets serving day in and day out utility and decorative dividends.  Apart from having a laboratory or being certain of a rugs age as pre-1860's, it is practically impossible to differentiate natural vs. synthetic.  Consider the example of indigo - the chemical structure of synthetic and natural indigo are identical. Many carpets with advertised natural dyes are typically a fraction natural.

  B.  Purchase the colors you like.  If a very high investment, you may want to consider something less era-specific and more timeless.  Tone-on-tone or contrasting colors often endure well long-term.  On the other side, carpets given harsh washes to create strong overtones or draw on the appearance of a faux, aged patina are not in the spirit of how the original carpet was woven, and are therefore considered more decorative subject to the volatility of fads.  While such carpets may be created with the same techniques as any other carpet, their popularity may drastically vary up and down every few decades as opposed to consistently holding value and only experiencing mild ups and downs of the market.


  A.  Today, perhaps more so than in the past, an older carpet exhibiting wear is more acceptable.  This is especially the case for non-formal carpets, and perhaps is propelled in part by decorative markets, although there are some other points to consider as well:  1.  You cannot make another antique rug!  The amount made is fixed: quantity is diminishing and demand is increasing.  Fewer carpets in exceptional condition are surfacing on the market.  2.  Many believe a rug should look its age.  A carpet exhibiting some wear or tattered area tells a story.  You can also enjoy it without the concerns one may have with the use of a mint condition antique.  

Collector / Decorative Appeal

If you are searching as a collector - the advice we have is buy what you love, buy cautiously, look for timeless colors or tone-on-tone, look for the best-of-type, look for unusual, the rare, the hard-to-find, manageable sizes of typical dimensions, look for transitional connector designs and motifs, look for condition, look for age, look for authenticity.  Notice how quality is not included in this...  Carpets purchased by collectors are rarely purchased on any single merit of quality and quality alone.


Quality typically encompasses the following three factors, no one is necessarily more important than the other.  However, know as a first time buyer this one costly misconception:  Higher knot count is not a function of higher quality.  Period.

  A. Quality of material input (mainly pile) for type:  a fine workshop type carpet such as a Persian Kashan will have fine, soft, long stapled wool.  A commercial grade Pakistani Lahore carpet should have a commercial grade wool.  If the Persian Kashan had a commercial grade wool, it would be considered lower in the realm of material quality relative to type. 

  B. Knot Density for type:  e.g. the typical Persian Sarouk from 1920-1950 ranges from 100 knots per inch to 180 knots per inch.  If a Sarouk of 180 knots is being compared the range of other Sarouk rugs of similar age and type, it would be considered relatively fine. 

  C. Execution of weave/design.  A high quality carpet will exhibit 1. fully optimized the design with knot density to exhibit details and curves.  A poor quality carpet will often show a pixelated appearance, or, in some cases, have used too many knots per inch to convey a design which could have been done in a lower quality!

Quality really encompasses the overall carpet inclusive of material input quality, knot density, and design execution all rolled together.  A high quality carpet will embody all these characteristics in a high level when compared to others of their type, age, and origin.

In closing, I want to share with you how I would evaluate a sweet carpet we have in our shop, a Persian Rug:

Persian Rug

This carpet is one of our personal favorites for several reasons.  Going through the 4C's and Q, we're going to get to the bottom of why this piece, as many in our shop, stands out as an awesome carpet on many levels.

Country of origin - It is a Persian rug from Sarouk, specifically of the Sarouk Farahan variety.  The design would be considered indigenous to the area woven, as opposed to a far distant adaptation or interpretation of another design.  Passing grade!

Colors - Outstanding tone-on-tone in the center medallion and borders.  Lovely terra cotta, golds, super soft powder blue, light olive, soft bronze...  The colors are all distinguishable yet almost have a hint of analogous shades.  The deep blue corner spandrels serve as phenomenal contrast to the whole piece with excellent clarity, character and harmony.  This carpet does have some augmentation to the field color, likely done many years after weaving.  This "sign of the time" change does not necessarily detract from the value, and in many ways, adds to the story of the piece.  Passing grade!

Condition - The condition shows use, wear and age.  However, carpets such as this were meant to be used, and often were subjected to more harsh wear than room size carpet.  Fewer small pieces seem to survive unless intended as saddle bags, throws or pillow covers.  Relatively speaking, the condition concerns are minimal, and the carpet has had no significant restorations so it is all original.  Passing grade!

Collector Appeal - Great manageable size, excellent individual character, good age.  Condition could be better, but relatively speaking, it is certainly a desirable carpet.  Passing grade!

Quality - Outstanding, long staple wool.  Super soft and supple.  Knot density is in the top of its type and age.  The design execution is awesome - stunning, beautiful, classic and timeless with wonderful detail in the minor borders all the way though to the field with delicate, single knot tendrils lacing the ground.  All-in-all, a really nice surviving example!   Passing grade!

Old New House

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