Boho Chic Rugs
2.5x5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug Runner
:: Concentric center medallions adorned at either end by trefoil contoured fi...4x4.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Square Rug
:: Covered field and center medallion in thin finned floral bouquets atop an ...2.5x3.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug
:: Center medallion with double tiered finials atop an abrashed field with in...3.5x5 Antique Fine Farahan Sarouk Rug
:: Oversized center medallion with double tiered finials at either end atop a...4x5.5 Antique Distressed Hamadan Rug
:: Covered field of lattice oriented blossoms within scaled overlapped panels...2.5x4 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug
:: Oversized main medallion with interior floral bouquet in checkered style a...3x4 Vintage Distressed Oushak Square Rug
:: Double medallions suggested by design density of a pictorial view of small...5.5x8.5 Vintage Moroccan Carpet
:: Triple interconnected center medallion columns of concentric diamond shape...5.5x6.5 Vintage Moroccan Carpet
:: Covered field of checkered diamond medallions, germinating plants, simplis...3.5x11 Vintage Moroccan Rug Runner
:: Covered field with unique artistic merit in germinating plant cross-sectio...2.5x11.5 Vintage Moroccan Rug Runner
:: Four panels with unique stylized medallions in each, wrapped by a double m...2x4 Vintage Distressed Fragment Oushak Rug Runner
:: Oversize center medallion with sprawling serrated leaves outwardly directe...2.5x3.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug
:: Unidirectional prayer design format with single lantern hanging from the t...3.5x4 Antique Kazak Square Rug
:: Diamond shaped center medallion with interior hook and latch palmette and ...3x4.5 Vintage Distressed Doroksh Rug
:: Sprawling vine and blossom design motif with interconnected spiraling vine...3.5x13 Vintage Turkish Kilim Rug Runner
:: Single column multi-oversize hexagonal medallions with interior snowflake ...2.5x3.5 Antique Fine Heriz Rug
:: Stepped center medallion with four sharp serrated leaves and interior blos...3x4.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug
:: Prayer design motif with dropped lantern in palmette stylized relief and l...1.5x2.5 Antique Fragment Anatolian Rug Mat
:: Unusual running channels of water design motif in high luster wool with am...3.5x9.5 Antique Serab Rug Runner
:: Double center medallion with elongated checkered finned germinating plants...3x4.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug
:: Prayer design motif with interior hook and latch design elements buffered ...3x5.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug
:: Prayer design motif with top mehrab wrapped by a hook and latch motif ador...2x3.5 Antique Fine Belouch Rug
:: Highly unusual design format of running channels of water and continuous v...2.5x12.5 Vintage Distressed Kurd Rug Runner
:: Repeating panels of geometric blossoms in lattice orientation and inverted...3x10.5 Vintage Distressed Kurd Rug Runner
:: Single column repeating diamond shaped medallions atop a heavily abrashed ...5.5x9 Antique Fine Bijar Carpet
:: Repeating covered field in a phenomenal range of color botehs in staggered...4x4.5 Antique Qashqai Square Rug
:: Repeating panels in alternating coloration bearing floral blossoms, pinwhe...3.5x4 Vintage Turkmen Square Rug
:: Allover covered field in a repeating floral gul known as elephant footprin...4x5.5 Antique Fine Doroksh Rug
:: Dramatic center medallion with outwardly directed end finials and palmette...3x6 Vintage Fine Lilihan Rug Runner
:: Unidirectional sequenced shrub and cyprus tree with germinating blossoms t...3.5x10 Vintage Distressed Kurd Rug Runner
:: Repeating diamond shapes in alternating coloration in single column format...2.5x3 Antique Fine Malayer Square Rug
:: Very finely woven center medallion in diamond shaped contour with interior...4x6.5 Antique Fine Hamadan Rug
:: Single column center medallion with reciprocating splayed halved medallion...3x12 Vintage Distressed Kurd Rug Runner
:: Single column interconnected medallions in mirrored formatting, hexagonal ...