Distressed Rugs and Carpets
Authentic well-worn relics of yesteryear, these vintage and antique distressed rugs tell a story of the past to be enjoyed for many years to come! Looking to broaden your search? Try our size range search tool for rugs & carpets!
12x18.5 Antique Distressed Kermanshah Carpet
:: Ornate oversized medallion with bursting floral contour in scalloped and t...13x18 Vintage Distressed Farahan Sarouk Carpet
:: Allover covered field in fine and intricate weave including cloudbands, lo...15.5x19.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Carpet
:: Large scale center medallion with geometric floral arabesques adorned at e...15x16 Vintage Distressed Sparta Square Carpet
:: Covered field in meandering vine and floral cross-section design motif. Wr...2.5x10 Vintage Distressed Dargezine Rug Runner
:: Double center medallion with outwardly directed blossoms stemming from a s...2.5x10 Vintage Distressed Kars Rug Runner
:: Single column interconnected center medallions in lightening serrated cont...2.5x10 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug Runner
:: Repeating single column center medallion gul motif wrapped by hook and lat...2.5x10.5 Vintage Distressed Bibikabad Rug Runner
:: Center medallion in shield-like release with asymmetric weight atop a cove...2.5x10.5 Vintage Distressed Kurd Rug Runner
:: Single column interconnected center medallions in stepped relief. Colors a...2.5x10.5 Vintage Distressed Melas Rug Runner
:: Single column multi-medallions defined by hook-and-latch motif bearing int...2.5x11 Vintage Distressed Kurd Rug Runner
:: Covered field of people, animals, and simplistic floral blossoms in oversi...2.5x11 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug Runner
:: Oversize single column triple center medallion atop a partially covered fi...2.5x11 Vintage Distressed Sparta Rug Runner
:: Single column interconnected medallions atop an open field. Colors and sha...2.5x11 Vintage Distressed Sparta Rug Runner
:: Triple center medallion atop a covered Herati main field wrapped by a narr...2.5x11.5 Vintage Distressed Kurd Rug Runner
:: Interconnected double vine design motif delimiting individual medallions w...2.5x11.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug Runner
:: Repeating floral bouquets in geometric format and pinwheel coloration. Wra...2.5x12 Vintage Distressed Kurd Rug Runner
:: Single column repeating medallions with serrated character, each bearing i...2.5x12 Vintage Distressed Kurd Rug Runner
:: Covered field in diamond shaped panels with lattice relief and interior qu...2.5x12.5 Vintage Distressed Kurd Rug Runner
:: Repeating panels of geometric blossoms in lattice orientation and inverted...2.5x13 Vintage Distressed Moroccan Rug Runner
:: Center covered field of diamond shaped medallions in asymmetric contouring...2.5x13.5 Vintage Distressed Mir Sarouk Rug Runner
:: Minor botehs repeating in staggered rows in alternating directions with su...2.5x17 Vintage Distressed Mehreban Rug Runner
:: Covered field in large scale serrated leaves, scrolled tendrils and blosso...2.5x19 Vintage Distressed Sarouk Rug Runner
:: Covered field in directional blossoms and plants bearing intricate budded ...2.5x2.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Square Rug Mat
:: Oversize center medallion with outwardly directed large scale serrated bud...2.5x2.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Square Rug Mat
:: Oversized center medallion with stepped contour, minor trefoil finials at ...2.5x2.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Square Rug Mat
:: Bursting floral bouquet atop an open field with germinating plant main bor...2.5x3 Vintage Distressed Oushak Square Rug
:: Partial prayer design motif with diamond shaped pinwheel guls encompassed ...2.5x3 Vintage Distressed Tulu Square Rug
:: Checkered design motif with tone-on-tone coloration and abrashes across. C...2.5x3.5 Vintage Distressed Dosemealti Rug
:: Diamond shaped center medallion with hook and latch enveloped contour. Ado...2.5x3.5 Vintage Distressed Kars Rug
:: Unidirectional tree of life design motif in unique weaver mapping and part...2.5x3.5 Vintage Distressed Kars Rug
:: Interconnected double hexagonal center medallions offset to one side of th...2.5x3.5 Vintage Distressed Melas Rug
:: Prayer design motif with multi-borders and a top prayer niche. Colors and ...2.5x3.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug
:: Diamond shaped center medallion with stepped contour bearing a large scale...2.5x3.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug
:: Unidirectional prayer design with lantern hanging from the top center mehr...2.5x3.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug
:: Double column triple row gul medallions in octagonal relief and interior r...2.5x3.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug
:: Oversized stepped diamond shaped medallion atop a narrow banded open groun...2.5x3.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug
:: Unidirectional prayer design format with single lantern hanging from the t...2.5x3.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug
:: Oversize roundel center medallion with interior trefoil rose design motif ...2.5x3.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug
:: Oversized stepped center medallion with floral blossom interior and arrowe...2.5x3.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug
:: Center medallion with double tiered finials atop an abrashed field with in...2.5x3.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug
:: Geometric bouquet of stems and finned blossoms atop an abrashed main field...2.5x3.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug
:: Prayer design motif with abrashes across adorned at the top with tri-flora...2.5x3.5 Vintage Distressed Oushak Rug
:: Starburst center medallion with sharp serrated contour atop an abrashed fi...