
The baby bed

Posted on October 29, 2013 by M+D | 0 comments

When I realized the other day that it might actually be time to move our co-sleeping sidecar into little D's bedroom where it would begin its new life as a bench, I couldn't help but feel a little sad. After all this was the bed Dave built from scratch, this was the bed I brought my little (or big however you view a 9 pound newborn) guy home to rest, this was the bed in which my tiny nugget sprouted wide open by week two (cuing us to stare in amazement at the thought of how tall he might be one day), and this was the bed lest we not forget that I moved and shimmied on our antique rug for nearly 2 months before D was even born bringing a ballooned pregnant version of me to worm out of bed 12 times a night for bathroom breaks all because I wanted to "get used to it". This was the bed made from wood and more importantly made from love and this was the bed where it all began.

I remember being 6 months pregnant and researching baby beds and getting so caught up in the perfect crib and perfect "unit". We lived in a boxy one bedroom at the time and knew we would still be there upon the baby's arrival so a crib just wouldn't work. We read a lot about co-sleeping and bassinets and mini cribs and the list went on. When I presented all of my findings to Dave, he said something I had heard many a time before: "I'll make it!!" Now don't get me wrong, he is an artist, an inventor and a true craftsman and I love everything he creates, but the man literally wants to make everything (if i said i needed a new toaster or pair of shoes, he would be gearing up to make them) and there just isn't enough time in the day! Needless to say I was not convinced that he would have the time to build this perfect baby bed that I had been dreaming up -- one that would not be deemed useless after 3-6 months like so many of them seemed to be. He proved me so very wrong when the "unveiling" day came. As he stood on top of where our baby would one day lie, and smiled ear to ear saying to me "this is how strong I built this...so he can sit in it one day!", I felt so much love in my heart that I truly thought it was going to burst. And I certainly didn't know then that this is where I would be now: carrying and rocking and cooing and dancing with and loving so inexplicably this 9 month old baby boy who's bed I am just not ready for him to sit in yet.


:: Our Little Mod Sidecar is modeled after the bed that we built for our first son ::


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