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Guest Room Little Touches

Posted on August 07, 2018 by M+D | 0 comments

Our guest room began 5 years ago as my sewing room and is where I made my first of many Old New House pillows, curtains for oddly sized little windows, my original concept of Ruglings (rug fragment wall hangings with concealed cork board), and countless bags and art for our 5.5 year old son (little D) who can’t get enough of my creations (I’ll take it). But when it came to the room actually being in use, we knew we had to step it up and make it comfortable + void of my sewing craziness, like a home away from home kind of room not a rug fragment stockpile kind of room.

When we first set it up, we intended it to be a guest room hybrid space so we found this antique brass bed on Craigslist and the person selling it was expecting and cleaning house -- hence, desperate to get rid of it as it takes up so much space! It took a truck rental, road trip, and some back pain to get the thing situated in this little green room, but I have always loved it and its original creaky metal box spring ever since. The bed was as far as we went though and for a time, our leftover vintage pieces (didn't know how to sell and didn't know where to put) would go to live (or die depending on how you look at it). So, despite having cool items squirreled away in it, the room was admittedly a mess.

We always try to support local or shop vintage/pre-owned for our home furnishing purchases but once in a while a Target fun feels in order. When I saw the new Opalhouse line at Target (definitely not sponsored, just love!), I was smitten and thought this bedspread would be the perfect combo with the brass. I know that there is still so much to go with this room (like a rug that the empty floor space is just screaming for) but I liked the idea of starting small and cozy, and am really happy with the mini transformation. (Notice my 3 year old helper in some of the photos - he loves moving things around with me which I love!)



Sources - side table: family vintage, footstool: found vintage, brass bed: found vintage, laundry hamper: Target, gilded mirror: found vintage, bedspread Opalhouse collection at Target

Coming up soon on the blog:

- Kids Room Makeover continues (I swear): Wallpaper, Some DIY with curtains over blinds, and Art

- Next Home Project: Entryway


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