
Kids Room Refresh: Baby to Big Boy Bed

Posted on May 14, 2018 by M+D | 0 comments

While we are waiting on some items to come in to really dive into completing our son's bedroom makeover (wallpaper, curtains, and more), we have been busy updating some current furniture we have in the room. If you missed my other posts, we are trying to make the bedroom into a shared space for both our boys (one is 5 and the other 2.5). The Oeuf Sparrow crib we got before our first was born barely got used, as we became a bed-sharing family, but it was beautiful and I have been dedicated to keeping it in our family and our home. The conversion kit that Oeuf offers seemed like the perfect fit rather than getting a brand new toddler or twin bed, and perhaps even less money in the end. It also became a great way to spend quality time with our 5 year old while the little one napped -- we took off the crib side and put on the converted rails within one hour. We are all happy with it, especially little M, who went right to sleeping in it (most nights).

If you are like me and got a crib you were hoping to really grow into and have for the long haul one like this one, you may have also wondered if it was worthwhile to get the conversion kit. I can say from this experience, it really was and is! Our son's twin bed is from Land of Nod and while we beyond adore it, this Oeuf bed is sold and has a great organic mattress that we sprung for also, so it just made financial sense to keep everything as long as we humanly could! Now here's to hoping when I style it and spruce up the bedding, it looks even better with the full room reveal!




Coming up on the blog in the next couple of weeks:

  • First time wallpaper-ers over here, wish us luck!
  • Kids Room Refresh - Art!
  • Behind the Scenes Staff Photo Day / Meet our team!



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